< Master index Index for ./biomechZoo/Toolbox/Visualization/director support functions >

Index for ./biomechZoo/Toolbox/Visualization/director support functions

Matlab files in this directory:

 ListCheckBoxMakes sure the figure is always "in front" and active
 calculateAllJointsForFrameInitialize a structure to hold joint points for the specified frame
 finddobjvarargout = FINDDOBJ(action,varargin) is a function for short hand
 manipulateBoneByNameboneName: The tag/name of the bone Patch object
 markMARK(action,varargin) is an director function
 markervarargout = marker(action,varargin) performs various actions for director
 openBonesstandalone function used by director
 propsvarargout = PROPS(action,varargin) creates various props used by director
 uitree_directorUITREE_DIRECTOR controls the display of the tree representation of loaded

Subsequent directories:

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